1. 青春花道 (Seishun Hanamichi)*
2. ミュージック・アワー (Music Hour) [Alternate Intro]
3. オレ、天使 (Ore, Tenshi)
4. ヒトリノ夜 (Hitori no Yoru)
5. エピキュリアン (Epicurean)*
6. サウダージ (Saudade)
7. 東京デスティニー (Tokyo Destiny)*
8. ルーズ (Loose)*
9. 愛が呼ぶほうへ (Ai Ga Yobu Hou e)
10. 瞬く星の下で (Mabataku Hoshi no Shita de) [Acoustic Version]
11. サボテン (Saboten)
12. ラック (Lack)
13. 音のない森 (Oto no Nai Mori) [Extended Arrangement based on 5th Anniversary Special Live “PURPLE’S”]
14. 夕陽と星空と僕 (Yuhi to Hoshizora to Boku) [Alternate Intro]
15. Medley
15.1. Mugen [Only 1 Chorus with Alternate Arrangement]
15.2 君は100% (Kimi wa 100%) [1 Verse and 1 Chorus]
15.3 ギフト (Gift) [1 Verse and 1 Chorus]
15.4 あなたがここにいたら (Anata Ga Koko ni Itara) [1 Verse and 1 Chorus]
15.5 Love,too Death,too [1 Verse, Guitar Solo, and 3 Choruses]
15.6 Before Century [Not listed in official tracklist]
15.7 幸せについて本気出して考えてみた (Shiawase ni Tsuite Honki Dasite Kangaete Mita) [Album Version Intro, 1 Verse, and 2 Choruses]
15.8 Mugen [1 Verse and 2 Choruses]
16. アゲハ蝶 (Agehachou) [Played with an electric guitar instead of an acoustic guitar]
17. Let’s go to the answer
18. メリッサ (Melissa)
19. ハネウマライダー (Haneuma Rider)
20. ひとひら (Hitohira)*
21. アポロ (Apollo) [Akihito Okano and Shindo Haruichi play on top of a cube that lowers from the stage before the song starts]
22. マシンガントーク (Machine Gun Talk) [The intro is repeated after the song finishes several times]
23. Sweet Home Chicago 〜ご当地ver.〜 (Gotochi ver.)
24. ジレンマ (Dilemma)
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