ex.BELLRING少女ハートのメンバーである藤城アンナを中心に結成されたアイドルグループによる5曲入り1stミニアルバム発売!ロックサウンドもボカロカルチャーもアニソンも全て飲み込み尽くし撹拌しまくった楽曲群が10年代最新型アイドルの輪郭を百花繚乱に浮かび上がらせる渾身の一枚。アニメ:B-PROJECT「鼓動*アンビシャス」編曲の千原弘嗣、アニメ:がをられ「アンビシャス!」(歌:花澤香菜)作曲のKuruma Sunshine等がコンポーザーとして参加。リード曲となる「VOiCE」は、物悲しげな美メロを引き立てるロックサウンドとストーリーを感じさせるメンバー等身大の歌詞が完璧に呼応し調和した激エモソング。「天涯恋々」は、ド頭のエスニックなシンセサウンドから至極のポップメロへと流れサラリと転調してみせる、無限リピート間違いなしの激中毒ソング。「.妄想リテラシー」は、凶悪且つキャッチーなギターリフ&アニソン顔負けのキャッチーなメロが放たれるサビが武器の激クサメロソング。ex.BELLRING少女ハートのメンバー:藤城アンナを中心に2016年8月末に結成。【『ICE CREAM』というワードから想起されるポップなイメージ=可愛いらしさ(かわいらしさ)】+【『SUICIDE』というワードから想起される攻撃的なイメージ=格好良さ(カッコよさ)】対照的な上記両ワードが掛け合わさった「ダークポップファンタジー」な世界観を軸とするグループ。動画コンテンツやアートワークを重視し、早期の知名度上昇を目指して精力的に活動予定。メンバー全員がソロのパーソナルフォトブックを発売予定。
All five pieces one piece to let ICE CREAM SUICIDE enter, and resplendence of all sorts of flowers rise by the outline of the latest idol 1st mini album release the older brother loss musical piece group that ICE CREAM SUICIDE swallow all it exhaustively and stir it and rolled up in lock sound and ボカロカルチャー in the 10s with the idol group formed mainly on Fujishiro Anna which was a member of the ex.BELLRING girl heart. An animated cartoon: “Beating * is ambitious” B-PROJECT; Hiroshi Chihara, an animated cartoon of the arrangement: がをられ “is ambitious!” (a song: 花澤香菜), and Kuruma Sunshine of the composition participates as a composer. Hard エモソング where the lyrics of the member size of life which let you feel lock sound and a story to patronize beautiful Melo who seemed to be sad in “VOiCE” which became the lead music harmonized with in response to perfection. The hard poisoning song without the infinity repeat mistake that “all over the world love” streams down pop Melo of the pole from the synthesizer sound that is the ethnic of the ド head in a solstice, and does a modulation lightly. Rust given off Melo who is catchy of as good as guitar riff & older brother loss that is brutality and catchy as for “the delusion literacy” is hard クサメロソング of the weapon. A member of the profile ex.BELLRING girl heart: ICE CREAM SUICIDE form it mainly on Fujishiro Anna in the end of August, 2016. The group which assumes a view of the world that is “the dark pop fantasy” which both + [aggressive image = coolness (coolness) remembered by a word called “SUICIDE”] contrast-like words mentioned above take it [you come, and performs pop image = Kaai remembered by a word called “ICE CREAM” (attractiveness)], and was put together an axis. ICE CREAM SUICIDE make much of animation contents and artwork and am going to energize for an early popularity rise. All the members are going to release a personal photobook of the solo.
1. VOiCE
2. Joy Dash
3. Tengai Renren Alpinism
4. Delusion literacy
5. More Revolution
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