ここ数年の目覚ましい活躍により一気にシーンのトップに躍り出た「fox capture plan」、そして2014年「Aromatic」以降、次なるリリースを渇望されていたメロディアス・インスト・バンド「bohemianvoodoo」、このPlaywrightを代表する2バンドの新曲を同時収録したスプリット・ミニアルバム「color & monochrome」の第2弾が到着 ! fcpが新たなフェーズに突入したことを感じさせる1「Acceleration」は、疾走感あふれるリフにタイトなリズムが心地よく、スタイリッシュな三位一体グルーヴを存分に堪能できる楽曲、続いてラテン調なリズムをあしらったダークなムードのピアノリフから始まる3「Turning Point」は耽美なメロディが随所に散りばめられ、変幻自在な拍子と曲展開が相まって独自のfcpワールドが強く出た傑作 ! 対してbohemianvoodooの2「Golden Forest」はアーバンな空気感とサビでの優しく語りかけるような美メロがきわめて秀逸、心射るユニゾンにグッとくること確実。そしてノスタルジックで幻想的なムードが展開されるサビに思わず涙腺崩壊な4「Aquarium」、哀愁を感じるメロディとの対比が素晴らしく延々リピートしていたくなる新たな名曲が誕生した。
Tight rhythm is comfortable, and, in 1 “Acceleration letting you feel the thing that the second arrives and entered into for the phase when fcp is new of split mini album “color & monochrome” where “fox capture plan” which jumped to the top of the scene by the remarkable activity of these past several years at a stretch and melodia in strike band “bohemianvoodoo” that the next release was longed after “Aromatic” in 2014 recorded the new song of 2 bands representing this Playwright in at the same time,” in 3 beginning “Turning Point,” the melodies that are worship of beauty are studded with in a riff full of a feeling of scamper everywhere by the musical piece that can fully thoroughly enjoy a stylish Trinity groove followed by a piano riff of the mood that is the dark that treated Latin-like rhythm, and it is certain to strongly come to the unison that the masterpiece which phantasmagoric time and music development are combined, and original fcp world strongly appeared corresponds, and feeling of that is Urban air and beautiful Melo speaking to kindly by the rust are full of 2 “Golden Forest” of bohemianvoodoo, and to shoot excellence, the heart. And the new famous tune which the comparison with the melody to feel sorrow for the rust that the nostalgic, fantastic mood was developed unintentionally 4 “Aquarium” which was lacrimal gland collapse wanted to repeat endlessly fantastically was born.
1. Acceleration
2. Golden Forest
3. Turning Point
4. Aquarium
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