音楽シーンの第一線で活躍する様々なアーティストの作品、ライブに携わり、確かな技術と研ぎ澄まされた感性を魅せ、すでに多くのリスナーからの認知と支持を得ている4人のアーティストが集結し結成されたインストロックバンドSensationが4枚目のアルバムをリリース! 配信シングル3曲が待望のCD化となり、さらにすでに報道番組の挿入歌としてオンエアされている注目曲も収録。
The attention music that in strike rock band Sensation which four artists who are engaged in a work, the live of various artists playing an active part in the front line of the music scene, and charm a reliable technique and keen-edged sensitivity, and get the recognition and the support from already many listeners gather it, and was formed releases the fourth piece album, and a long-awaited CD becomes making it it, and three pieces of delivery singles have been more already broadcasted as a song of insertion of the news program is collecting.
1. Axis
3. 月影
4. Chaotic world
5. Acceleration
6. Autumn alley
7. 雪華
8. 色なき風
9. Intersection
10. Space time navigation
11. Evoke
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