価格はアルバム全体で1,050円。iTunes StoreやGoogle Play等で購入することができる。
けーごさんはMCバトルをきっかけにヒップホップに興味を持ち、2015年夏にB BOY PARKでサイファーに参加。
It released mini album “14-year-old rial” of rapper, けーごさんが five pieces collecting of the junior high student on Friday, November 11.
The price is 1,050 yen in the whole album. Everyone can purchase it in iTunes Store or Google Play.
けーご interested in hip-hop triggered by けーごさんは MC battle and participate in a cipher in B BOY PARK in the summer of 2015.
By the war pole sparring carried out in October of the year, the pattern that is MC battle first appearance achieves the splendid achievement called the runner up afterwards (as for the champion of the university society, Lick-G comes).
けーご announce the musical piece “13-year-old rial” that corrupted past experience in a lap in January, 2016.
The musical piece that spelled and “even the overthrow けーご group is made” and bullying and residence hotness “be made to resign only from me in the group of LINE” realistically in a topic.
けーご wrap the situation after the “13-year-old rial” announcement for “14-year-old rial” recorded in a product with emotion now. As for the contents which return an answer to oneself 13-year-old that “there is not a special ability not to mention a thing” and says to という lyric poem “may けーご make a lap a special ability?” which sang for “13-year-old rial.”
けーご want to pay attention to a lap by real words in the 乗 せるけーごさんに future while stepping forward to big one step the fight with bullying at “13 years old”, and exploring there at “14 years old”.
1. 14才のリアル
2. my men
3. かたおもい
4. こころの叫び
5. 13才のリアル (再録 ver.)
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